Injection molded parts post-processing
Finishing of injection moulded parts
Give us your plastic injection moulded part for finishing. We are deflashing, drilling, milling or turning with our CNC-machines and you will see – this is a clean solution!
If e.g. close tolerances, complex threads, challenging geometry or fittings will not be reached with injection moulding production or only with a very high technical effort (tool investment), injection moulded parts can be finished by metal-cutting at 1TECOplast.
A further main focus of this production system is the assembling of complete components with glued- or welded connections or the combination with threaded inserts out of metal.
1Tecoplast GmbH
Schlattweg 10
72178 Waldachtal
Phone:+49 7486/979035
Fax: +49 7486/979059