Based on the informations from our suppliers the listed materials from the EU-guide line RoHS (2011/65/EU) are not included in the products we deliver, according to the current knowledge.
We want to point out that we can only give you the confirmation for proceedings in our area of influence. Impacts on the further handling of the products can cause that the products will not fulfill the requirements of the EU-guide lines.
Materials that e.g. are pervasive in lowest quantities through a carryover and that can be proved through the current refined analytical methods, are not covered through this statement.
1TECOplast GmbH is producing order-related turned parts and milled parts as well as components out of thermoplastic polymeres. We are not producing chemicals.
As polymeres are generally excluded from the REACH-ordinance, the product range of TECOplast GmbH is not a part of the incurred ordinance.
In case partly used additives, like glues or cleaning compounds, will be classified as REACH products our suppliers will register this or if necessary replace with REACH conform materials. A notification with possible critical materials will be immediately forwarded to us and you.
According to our present state of knowledge these additives are not part of the REACH-ordinance. An interruption of the delivery supply chain is debarred.
1Tecoplast GmbH
Schlattweg 10
72178 Waldachtal
Phone:+49 7486/979035
Fax: +49 7486/979059